World Environment Day 2024

SynAir-G for the World Environment Day

The 5th of June is World Environment Day (WED). Led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), World Environment Day is the biggest international day for the environment. On this day millions of people from government, business, civil society and schools across the world join efforts to raise awareness on the environmental challenges and influence environmental action.


“Our Land. Our Future We are #GenerationRestoration”

is the UNEP campaign slogan in 2024, focusing on restoring land, halting desertification and building drought resilience.


The SynAir-G project supports the World Environment Day shining a spotlight on climate change and health-related consequences on highly susceptible populations, including children and those people living with allergies and asthma.

The world’s ecosystems are endangered, driven by unsustainable production and consumption patterns that fuel the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution.

Climate change is a health threat. The health impact of climate change has become an undeniable reality. Climate-driven hazards such as heatwaves, air pollution, water scarcity, and food supply problems increase deaths and disease in the EU and globally.

People living with allergy and asthma are particularly vulnerable. Several environmental risk factors including indoor and outdoor pollution, as well as climate change can elicit and exacerbate allergic diseases. These factors also impact our indoor air. The quality of the air that we breath daily in our homes, offices or schools, is highly susceptible to pollutants coming from indoor but also outdoor.

SynAir-G will reveal and quantify the synergistic interactions between different pollutants affecting health, with a specific focus on the school setting. One of SynAir-G’s core outcomes includes interventions with the potential to upgrade the living environment of schools in Europe, with all children enjoying not just clean air, but a “forest-grade” indoor climate.

It is crucial to protect the Environment and mitigate the effects of climate change by conserving and restoring ecosystems.

SynAir-G mission is to safeguard and promote citizens’ health and well-being, by preventing premature deaths, diseases and inequalities related to environmental pollution and degradation. Early awareness of health hazards and participation in their management from a young age is SynAir-G’s contribution to increasing resilience of the population to air-pollution and climate change related health effects.


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