The recently published PeARL Pediatric Asthma Monitoring Guidelines, formally endorsed by EAACI, REG, APAPARI, INTERASMA, and WAO (Ped Allergy Immunology 2024; 35:e14129), include the need for evaluation of possible exposure to irritants, such as tobacco smoke and other air pollutants, in children whose asthma is not well controlled. Asthma is the most common chronic disease in childhood with prevalence reaching 20% in some populations.
Asthma is characterised by airway hyperresponsiveness, therefore patients are the first to suffer from air pollution; most children with asthma have atopic allergy, making them susceptible to common environmental allergens.
PeARL also points out that allergen exposure, as well as markers of sensitization, are among the key monitoring parameters. The PeARL Monitoring Guidelines have been led by SynAir-G Principal Investigator, Prof Nikos Papadopoulos, with several SynAir-G partners who have contributed.
Disclaimer: PeARL (Pediatric Asthma in Real Life) is an initiative not linked to or funded by SynAir-G project.