The Montpellier University Hospital Centre (CHUM) is a French university hospital centre and reference center with an international reputation. It hosts many referral units and competence centers labelled by the French Ministry of Health, a real center of excellence. Its main missions are care, research and teaching and it developed health innovation with a lot of convictions. The Montpellier University Hospital Centre is in the 5th position of the national SIGAPS ranking for the numbr of publications.
Role in the project
The CHUM will lead WP3 dedicated to indoor air pollution and routes of exposure. It will also be one of the 5 centres to participate in the clinical study aiming to evaluate the impact of synergies of indoor air pollutants on childhood health and wellbeing. The CHUM will contribute to the WP 5 , 7 and 8 regarding sensor integration, data management, guidelines development, standardization activities , project management and networking.
Isabella Annesi-Maesano | Prof. MD, PhD, DSc Allergy Department and IDESP Co-director
I’m an expologist and an epidemiologist involved in the exposomic approach of schoolchildren’s health. As expologist I will estimate schoolchildren’s exposome integrating exposures and sources of exposure at the individual and ecological level. Among others, I will deploy individual sensors (Canarins) assessing air pollutants concentrations in real time. As epidemiologist, I will assess exposome’s impact on schoolchildren’s health (asthma, mental health, etc). through EnWAS. I will conduct Health Impact Assessment to evaluate prevention measures. To better understand the mechanisms, I will also assess inhalation rate and assumed dose of major air pollutants in schoolchildren in real life conditions. Finally, I will contribute to policy proposals.
Davide Caimmi | MD, Allergy Department
I am a clinician and a researcher and will be supervising the clinical project in the Montpellier center.
Luciana Kase Tanno |
Sylvie Broussous| European Project Manager
I manage the Europe team at Montpellier hospital’s Research and Innovation department. For SynAir-G project, I will support the team project for the financial aspectn, ethics, commmunication and dissemination.
Alexandra Avonde| Assistant european project manager
I work directly with Catherine and Sylvie for the administrative and financial management. I can also work with the medical team to organize the meetings or purchase what they need for the project. I am in contact with the CHUM communication department to develop flyers and posters for the schools involved in the project. I declare the reports on the European portal.
Catherine Barjot | Project Manager
I work as a project manager in the European team of the hospital’s Research and Innovation department. We intervene as a support for the setting-up (budget/regulatory/ethical aspects of the projects, agreements signatures) and the follow-up of european projects (financial reportings).