SynAir-G is part of the IDEAL (Indoor Air Pollution and Health ) Cluster, a task force promoted by the European Commission to optimise synergies, avoid overlaps and increase the impact of the projects selected for funding under the call HORIZON-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-02-02 .
Together with six other EU-funded projects, the IDEAL Cluster will work to improve health and indoor air quality in public and private spaces, such as schools, hospitals, residential dwellings, canteens and public transportation.
The other IDEAL Cluster projects are
The IDEAL Cluster working groups
The activities of the IDEAL cluster will be dedicated to the creation of Working Groups (WGs) on topics of common interest, to provide the European Commission with different inputs and implement a dissemination and communication campaign to create awareness on the activities jointly implemented. So far, within the IDEAL Cluster, 7 working groups have been created:
Led by SynAir-G, K-HealthinAir
Led by TwinAir, INQUIRE
Led by Inchildhealth, LEARN
Led by SynAir-G
Led by SynAir-G
Led by LEARN
SynAir-G co-leads Working Group 1 focused on Science Translation for policy, leads WG4 on Guidelines, and it is involved in WG3 focused on Communication and Dissemination.